Comments, Complaints and Suggestions
We always welcome patients’ suggestions, comments and feedback, so feel free to let us know using the online form.
Patients Complaints Procedure
We strive to provide the best possible service to all of our patients. But if you feel unhappy about any aspect of your care or our service, then do let us know; your feedback is essential in helping us to improve our standards. We try to resolve complaints informally with patients wherever possible; however should you feel the need to complain, then please see our Complaint Procedure. This explains how your complaint will be dealt with and the resources open to you in the unlikely event you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
Healthwatch Wokingham
Patients are encouraged to contact Healthwatch Wokingham about any concern, experience, issue or feedback they wish to share about health or social care service in Wokingham. They can be contacted:
Telephone: 0118 4181418
Post: Healthwatch Wokingham, Citizens Advice Bureau 2nd Floor, Waterford House, Erfstadt Court, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 2YF
Support, Empower, Advocate & Promote (SEAP)
SEAP provide independent advocacy services to help resolve issues or concerns you may have about your health and well-being or your health and social care services. Their aim is to ensure that:
- You are in control of decisions which are made about you.
- Your experiences, views, wishes and feelings are heard.
- You can contribute to improving the health and care services you use.
Telephone: 0300 343 5735
Text: 80800 keyword SEAP
Post: SEAP Hastings, Upper Ground Floor, Aquila House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3UY